The Lake Highlands White Rock Democrats are excited to announce our program for the April 2020 Member meeting on April 18th at 10:00 AM CST. Note that you do not have to be a member to attend. Everyone is welcome but we do encourage you to become a full member so we can help to fund our efforts to elect more Democratic candidates at a local, state, and Federal level.
Click here to register for the Earth Day 2020 Webinar for FREE
LHWR Earth Day 2020 Featured Speakers
Michael Cain - EarthDay & EarthXFilms
Dr. Bonnie Jacobs - SMU Sustainability
Roger Knudson - FEDD Climate RAT
Meeting Agenda
10:00 AM Start
* What Individuals Can Do
* How Organizing Can Help Fight Climate Change
* General Meeting
Note that the details of each speaker's presentation haven't been detailed to us yet. So the topics may be slightly different from what appears above.